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Published Research



Karageorgi M, Lyulina SA, Bitter MC, Lappo E, Greenblum SI, Mouza ZK#, Tran CT#, Huynh A#, Oken H, Schmidt P*, Petrov DA*. Dominance reversal protects large-effect resistance polymorphisms in temporally varying environments. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.10.23.619953. *Equal contribution, #Undergraduate mentee co-author





Verster KI, Cinege G, Lipinszki Z, Magyar LB, Kurucz E, Tarnopol RL, Abraham E, Darula Z, Karageorgi M, Tamsil JA, Akalu SM, Andó I, Whiteman NK. Evolution of insect innate immunity through domestication of bacterial toxins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023; 120(16):e2218334120

Paris M, Boyer R, Jaenichen R, Wolf J, Karageorgi M, Green J, Cagnon M, Parinello H, Estoup A, Gautier M, Gompel N, Prud’homme B. Near-chromosome level genome assembly of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii using long-read sequencing. Scientific Reports 2020; 10(1): 11227


Karageorgi M*, Groen SC*, Sumbul F, Pelaez JN, Verster KI, Aguilar JM, Hastings AP, Bernstein SL, Matsunaga T, Astourian M#, Guerra G, Dobler S, Agrawal AA, Whiteman NK. Genome evolution retraces the evolution of toxin resistance in the monarch butterfly. Nature 2019; 574 (7778): 409-412. *Equal contribution, #Undergraduate mentee co-author


Verster KI, Wisecaver JH, Duncan RP, Karageorgi M, Gloss AD, Armstrong E, Price DK, Melon AR, Ali ZM, Whiteman NK. Horizontal transfer of bacterial cytolethal distending toxin B genes to insects. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2019; 36 (10): 2105-2110


Karageorgi M, Bräcker LB, Lebreton S, Minervino C, Cavey M, Siju KP, Grunwald Kadow IC, Gompel N*, Prud'homme B*. Evolution of Multiple Sensory Systems Drives Novel Egg-Laying Behavior in the Fruit Pest Drosophila suzukii. Current Biology 2017; 27(6): 847-853


Invited commentaries:


Karageorgi M*, Matsunaga T*, Whiteman NK. Drosophila: Where the wild flies are. Current Biology 2018; 28(24): R1382-R1384. *Equal contribution


Media Coverage


Carl Zimmer. How Monarch Butterflies Evolved to Eat Poison. The New York Times. Oct 7, 2019


Tim Vernimmen. How Monarch Butterflies Evolved to Eat a Poisonous Plant. Scientific American. Oct 2, 2019


Robert Sanders. CRISPRed flies mimic monarch butterfly – and could make you vomit. Berkeley News, Oct 2, 2019


Maddie Bender. Scientists Edited Fruit Fly Genes to Give Them Butterflies’ Toxic Abilities. Vice, Oct 2, 2019


Scientific Coverage


Koch L. An adaptive walk in the park. Nature Review Genetics 2019;20(12):704.


Maderspacher F, Stensmyr MC. Sensory Evolution: Trouble in the Cherry Orchard. Current Biology 2017;27(6)


Monarch fly on Asclepias papilio

Image credit: Marianthi Karageorgi & Eugene Randolph Young

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