Marianna (Marianthi) Karageorgi
Μαριάννα (Μαριάνθη) Καραγεώργη
PhD, Neurosciences 2017
University of Aix Marseille, Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille, France
Thesis: “Evolution of a novel egg-laying behavior in the agricultural pest ”
Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Prud’homme
MS, Molecular Biosciences (Developmental Biology) 2012
University of Heidelberg, Center of Organismal Studies, Germany
Thesis: “Characterization of enhancer properties for gene regulation in the medaka fish”
Advisor: Dr. Laurence Ettwiller
BS, Direction of Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology 2009
University of Crete, Biology Department, Greece
Thesis: “The role of adhesion molecules TAG1 and PSA-NCAM in neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex”
Advisor: Prof. Domna Karagogeos
Stanford University 2020-present
Research Scientist, Biology Department (2023-present)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Biology Department (2020-2023)
Mentor: Prof. Dmitri Petrov
Led research on the genetics of adaptation to strong selective pressures over short and long evolutionary scales.
Led a collaboration between Professor Petrov's lab and Professor Paul Schmidt's lab at the University of Pennsylvania to study how resistance to synthetic insecticides is maintained over ecological timescales in natural populations and how synthetic insecticides affect seasonal evolution.
Used experimental evolution in field mesocosms with large-scale phenotyping and whole-genome pooled sequencing to track adaptive genomic and phenotypic evolution in large populations of from Spring to Fall 2021, in the presence and absence of fluctuating insecticide selection.
Developed resources (field collections and the generation of inbred lines for experimental evolution) to study seasonal adaptation to cardiac glycoside host plant toxins in natural populations of .
University of California, Berkeley 2017-2020
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Integrative Biology
Mentor: Prof. Noah Whiteman
Led research on the genetics of adaptation to strong selective pressures over long evolutionary scales.
Led a collaboration between Professor Whiteman's lab and Professor Anurag Agrawal's lab at Cornell University to study how monarch butterflies and other insect specialists evolved resistance to toxins of their host plants over millions of years.
Used genome engineering (CRISPR) in to retrace the evolution of resistance to cardiac glycoside host plant toxins in the monarch butterfly lineage.
Initiated a project to study the evolution of resistance to cardiac glycoside host plant toxins in natural populations of .
University of Aix Marseille, Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille, France 2012-2017
PhD Scholarship Awardee
Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Prud’homme
Led research on the evolution of sensory ecology in a pest species, supported by a Marie Curie Initial Training Network Fellowship and a Fondation Pour La Recherche Médicale Scholarship.
Applied genome engineering (CRISPR) and neurogenetic tools in to study role of olfaction in its egg-laying preferences.
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany 2014
Visiting Scholar
Supervisor: Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow
Led research on the evolution of olfactory preferences in a Drosophila pest species, undertaken as a secondment through the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Fellowship.
Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille, France 2012
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Dr. Benjamin Prud’homme
Supported research on the evolution of pigmentation and the development of transgenesis in a non-model species.
University of Heidelberg, Center of Organismal Studies, Germany 2011-2012
Research Assistant
Advisor: Dr. Laurence Ettwiller
Led research on mechanisms of enhancer function for gene regulation in the medaka fish.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany 2010
Visiting Scholar
Supervisor: Prof. Detlev Arendt
Supported research on the timing and cell birth of the main cell types of the dorsal brain of the annelid .
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany 2010
Visiting Scholar
Supervisor: Prof. Michael Boutros
Supported research on the identification of regulators of the Wnt signaling in .
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany 2009-2010
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Schaefer
Supported research on histology and immunohistochemistry for olfactory bulb neurons in mice.
Research Grants
National Institute of Health (NIH) Pathway to Independence Award
K99 Phase 2021-2024
ROO Phase 2025-2028
Project: Genetics of adaptation to toxic environments
Role: Principal Investigator
Award: $1,000,000
European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Godfrey Hewitt Mobility Award 2009
Project: Genetics of adaptation in cardiac glycoside-resistant populations of D. subobscura
Role: Awardee
Award: $2,000
Awards & Honors
Fondation Pour La Recherche Médicale, France 2015
PhD Fellowship
Fully-funded research fellowship for the completion of the final-year PhD thesis.
FLiACT Marie Curie Initial Training Network , France 2012
Marie Curie Initial Training Network Fellowship
Fully funded research fellowship for three years as part of the “Systems neurosciences of Drosophila: From genes to circuits to Behavior.”
In preparation:
Karageorgi M, Bitter MC, Lappo E, Greenblum SI, Tran CT#, Travier C#, Oken H, Schmidt P*, Petrov DA*. Seasonal adaptation persists despite chromosome-wide sweeps driven by insecticide selection. *Equal contribution, #Undergraduate mentee co-author
Karageorgi M, Lyulina SA, Bitter MC, Lappo E, Greenblum SI, Mouza ZK#, Tran CT#, Huynh A#, Oken H, Schmidt P*, Petrov DA*. Dominance reversal protects large-effect resistance polymorphisms in temporally varying environments. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.10.23.619953. *Equal contribution, #Undergraduate mentee co-author
Verster KI, Cinege G, Lipinszki Z, Magyar LB, Kurucz E, Tarnopol RL, Abraham E, Darula Z, Karageorgi M, Tamsil JA, Akalu SM, Andó I, Whiteman NK. Evolution of insect innate immunity through domestication of bacterial toxins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023; 120(16):e2218334120
Paris M, Boyer R, Jaenichen R, Wolf J, Karageorgi M, Green J, Cagnon M, Parinello H, Estoup A, Gautier M, Gompel N, Prud’homme B. Near-chromosome level genome assembly of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii using long-read sequencing. Scientific Reports 2020; 10(1): 11227
Karageorgi M*, Groen SC*, Sumbul F, Pelaez JN, Verster KI, Aguilar JM, Hastings AP, Bernstein SL, Matsunaga T, Astourian M#, Guerra G, Dobler S, Agrawal AA, Whiteman NK. Genome evolution retraces the evolution of toxin resistance in the monarch butterfly. Nature 2019; 574 (7778): 409-412. *Equal contribution, #Undergraduate mentee co-author
Verster KI, Wisecaver JH, Duncan RP, Karageorgi M, Gloss AD, Armstrong E, Price DK, Melon AR, Ali ZM, Whiteman NK. Horizontal transfer of bacterial cytolethal distending toxin B genes to insects. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2019; 36 (10): 2105-2110
Karageorgi M, Bräcker LB, Lebreton S, Minervino C, Cavey M, Siju KP, Grunwald Kadow IC, Gompel N*, Prud'homme B*. Evolution of Multiple Sensory Systems Drives Novel Egg-Laying Behavior in the Fruit Pest Drosophila suzukii. Current Biology 2017; 27(6): 847-853
Invited commentaries:
Karageorgi M*, Matsunaga T*, Whiteman NK. Drosophila: Where the wild flies are. Current Biology 2018; 28(24): R1382-R1384. *Equal contribution
Media Coverage
Carl Zimmer. How Monarch Butterflies Evolved to Eat Poison. The New York Times. Oct 7, 2019
Tim Vernimmen. How Monarch Butterflies Evolved to Eat a Poisonous Plant. Scientific American. Oct 2, 2019
Robert Sanders. CRISPRed flies mimic monarch butterfly – and could make you vomit. Berkeley News, Oct 2, 2019
Maddie Bender. Scientists Edited Fruit Fly Genes to Give Them Butterflies’ Toxic Abilities. Vice, Oct 2, 2019
Scientific Coverage
Koch L. An adaptive walk in the park. Nature Review Genetics 2019;20(12):704.
Maderspacher F, Stensmyr MC. Sensory Evolution: Trouble in the Cherry Orchard. Current Biology 2017;27(6)
Invited and Selected Conference Talks
Karageorgi M, Lyulina SA, Bitter MC, Lappo E, Greenblum SI, Mouza ZK, Tran CT, Huynh A, Oken H, Schmidt P, Petrov DA. Long-term maintenance of insecticide resistance polymorphisms through beneficial dominance shifts. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. Genetic Architecture in Arthropods from Insecticide Exposure Session. January 2025
Karageorgi M, Bitter MC, Greenblum S, To-Duyen Tran C, Huynh A, Oken H, Schmidt P, Petrov DA. Tracking evolution in response to anthropogenic chemical pollution in Drosophila. Bay Area Population Genomics Conference, University of California, Davis. May 2023
Karageorgi M, Groen SC, Sumbul F, Pelaez J, Verster KI, Aguilar JM, Hastings AP, Bernstein SL, Matsunaga T, Astourian M, Guerra G, Rico F, Dobler S, Agrawal AA, Whiteman NK. The making of the monarch: A constrained adaptive path to toxin resistance. The Allied Genetics Conference. Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics session. (virtual). April 2020
Karageorgi M, Groen SC, Versten KI, Aguilar JM, Sumbul F, Hastings AP, Pelaez J, Bernstein SL, Agrawal AA, Whiteman NK. The making of the monarch. Bioscience Symposium on "Endless forms: applying novel techniques in non-model organisms". University of California, Berkeley. June 2018
Karageorgi M, Lebreton S, Paris M, Minervino C, Cavey M, Siju KP, Kadow IG, Matsunaga T, Whiteman NK, Gompel N, Prud’homme B., On the ORigin of olfactory worlds. Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America. Philadelphia, PA, USA. April 2018
Karageorgi M, Lebreton S, Paris M, Minervino C, Cavey M, Siju KP, Grunwald Kadow IC, Gompel N, Prud'homme B. Olfactory specialization contributes to the making of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii. 16th International symposium on Insect-plant relationships. Tours, France. July 2017
Karageorgi M, The making of a fruit pest: Unraveling the evolution of egg-laying choices in Drosophila suzukii. Annual meeting of the doctoral school in biological and health sciences in Aix – Marseille University. Marseille, France. June 2014
Invited Seminars
Adaptive tracking in response to insecticide pressure in Drosophila, Institute for the Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution of the Living World. Gif-sur-Yvette, France, June 2022
Genetics of adaptation to host plant toxins in monarchs. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University. Online (In person canceled due to Covid). March 2021
Genetics of adaptation to host plant toxins in the monarch butterfly and other specialist insects. Institute for the Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution of the Living World. Gif-Sur-Yvette, France. Online (In person canceled due to Covid). March 2021
Genetics of adaptation to host plant toxins in the monarch butterfly and other specialist insects. Department of Biology, University of San Francisco. Online (In person canceled due to Covid). November 2020
Genome editing as a basic research tool- Poison resistance in insects. Innovative Genomics Institute. Undergraduate CRISPR Journal Club (In person canceled due to Covid). April 2020
Olfactory specialization contributes to the making of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii. Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley. September 2017
Stanford University 2024
Lecturer/Co-Organizer, Biology Department
Organized and taught a mini-course on “Whole-genome sequencing and applications: from yeast to fruit flies.”
San Francisco State University 2022
Lecturer, Science Coding Immersion Program
Presented to undergraduate students
FliACT Marie Curie Initial Training Network, Lisbon, Portugal 2015
Lecturer, Molecular and Neuroanatomy Session
Taught “Learning from the lord of the genes” to graduate and postdoc students.
Stanford University 2022-2024
Zach Keanu Mouza, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Environment-dependent dominance allows rapid evolution and maintenance of insecticide resistance in Drosophila.
Achievements: Full-time paid research internship from Stanford Biology Summer Undergraduate Research, co-author on manuscript
Stanford University 2021-2024
Caitlynn To-Doyen Tran, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Characterize effect of insecticide application on seasonal evolution of Drosophila pigmentation.
Achievements: Co-author on manuscript
Stanford University 2022
Andy Viet Huynh, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Software development for semi-automatic estimation of census population Drosophila size from images
Achievements: Full-time paid research internship from Stanford Biology Summer Undergraduate Research, co-author on manuscript
Stanford University 2021
Caileb Travier, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Characterize effect of insecticide application on seasonal evolution of Drosophila.
Achievements: Co-author on manuscript
University of California, Berkeley 2020
Elizabeth Ordeman, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Determining the evolutionary forces responsible for toxin resistance in milkweed butterflies.
Achievements: Summer fellowship from Berkeley Research Apprentice Program
University of California, Berkeley 2020
Naama Weksler, undergraduate research mentee
Honor’s Thesis: Monarch flies on milkweeds: genetic basis of toxin resistance in an ecological context.
Achievements: Outstanding Scholar Award from the MCB Department at UC Berkeley and poster presentation at the Drosophila research conference 2021
University of California, Berkeley 2020
Derrick Yip, undergraduate research mentee
Research Project: Cardiac glycoside resistance in wild populations of Drosophila subobscura.
Achievements: Poster presentation at the Allied Genetics Conference 2020
University of California, Berkeley 2017-2020
Michael Astourian, undergraduate research mentee
Honor’s Thesis: Navigability of the Monarch Adaptive Landscape for Cardiac-glycoside Resistance.
Achievements: Co-author on manuscript
Peer Reviewer, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Current Biology, 2018-present
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Co-Organizer, FliACT Summer School “Learning from the Lord of the genes” in Lisbon, Portugal 2015
Professional Development
Stanford University 2022
Teaching workshop for postdocs.
Stanford University 2022
Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis program.
Janelia Research Campus, VA 2016
Junior Scientist Workshop on Genetic and Neurobiological Basis for Evolution of Behavior.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden 2015
Graduate course in Insect Chemical Ecology
Co-organized with Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Jena, Germany and Penn State University
FliACT Marie Curie Initial Training Network, Barcelona, Spain 2014
Workshop on neural and behavioral modelling in Drosophila.
Janelia Farm Research Campus, VA 2013
Workshop on emerging techniques to map and functionally characterize neural circuits in Drosophila.
FliACT Marie Curie Initial Training Network, Munich, Germany 2013
Workshop on behavioral assay design and data quantification.
Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, Italy 2011
Summer School in Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
Professional Memberships
Genetics Society of America
Society for the Study of Evolution
European Society of Evolutionary Biology
Hellenic Evolutionary Society
English (full professional proficiency)
Greek (native speaker)
French (elementary speaker)
German (elementary speaker)